What is it you do?
‘Fish farm created in 1993 and the fishery in 2008 (75 metres in diameter and 3 metres deep).
Arc en Ciel trout farm
Fishermen and walkers welcome’.
Open in summer from Thursday to Sunday (8.30am-6.30pm)
Open at weekends in winter
What prompted you to seek "Famenne-Ardenne UNESCO Global Geopark Partner" status?
‘I'm interested in everything to do with nature, and my passion is trout farming.
It's important for me to raise awareness of fishing and fish farming in the region."
What is your approach to sustainable development and environment friendly practices?
‘The water comes from the river, passes through 6 different ponds and then returns to the river Masblette.
‘We have oxygen pumps and electric water pumps.'
Georges Mignolet
Contact details :
Rue de la Vallée, 100
6953 Masbourg (Nassogne)