Marche, a charming Famenne town...
The town of Marche-en-Famenne, capital of the Famenne, is the only Belgian town to have won an award in the 2011 EDEN ('European Destinations of Excellence) contest. Many remarkable buildings and sculptures are dotted throughout Marche, as you will discover during your stroll through the warren of pretty little streets that wind their way through the town.
Marche, a former fortified town is also a great shopping destination; it offers niche boutiques in the bustling town centre as well as a selection of the bigger stores strategically located on the outskirts of the town.
There is a remarkable architectural harmony between the Vieux Marche (oldTown) and the numerous examples of the town's successful urban renewal.
The council is blessed with an exceptionally rich natural, architectural and historical heritage : the 'Fond des Vaulx' nature reserve, the absolutely stunning stained-glass windows of the Waha church (designed by the famous Belgian artist, Jean-Michel Folon), the Museum of the Famenne, an extensive network of signposted walks, a RAVeL foot- and cycle path, the "Pays de Famenne" cycling network (with nodal points), traces of the town's former fortifications...
And to top it all: the town is chock-a-block with restaurants, brasseries and bars...but also offers many fun-packed activities and entertainment aplenty!