Precious stones, water and fountains...
The village of Ny, nestling in the heart of a beautiful verdant valley in the council of Hotton, is a village with traditionally built houses. It is dotted with fountains throughout, and owes its particular charm to the encounter between stone buildings, heritage and water.
The fountains and rustic drinking troughs, leaning against the church and presbytery walls are a perfect example of this unique combination.
While strolling through the picturesque streets and alleys that crisscross the village, you will encounter many fountains dating back to the 18th and 19th century, as well as small yet singular elements of heritage.
The village boasts many beautiful dwellings and elongated farmhouses built in dressed limestone, which upon closer inspection, will reveal quaint half-timbered gables.
You will definitely fall under the spell of the village's charming church and impressive castle-farm (a remarkable, listed square farmhouse dating back to the second half ofthe 17th century).