What is it you do?
"50-minute audio tour in French and Dutch.
Open: Carnival, Easter, Summer and All Saints' Day holidays. Weekends in May, June, September, October and the 1st weekend in November."
What prompted you to seek "Famenne-Ardenne UNESCO Global Geopark Partner" status?
‘This audio tour allows visitors to discover the natural, historical and built heritage of the region, such as the Rond du Roi panorama, the Château Comtal, the grotto and chapel of Lorette,
trou nou Maulin, Malagne archaeopark’.
What is your approach to sustainable development and environment friendly practices?
‘It's a new vehicle, so it's less polluting, and we try to fill up the tours as much as possible to avoid touring with too few people.’
Mr Pierre Vuylsteke, Président
Contact details:
ASBL Syndicat d'Initiative de Rochefort
Rue de Behogne 5
5580 Rochefort